Thursday, September 2, 2010

An excerpt

"Channeling the goddess Lakshmi or possibly Stevie Nicks, my yoga teacher Lauren once observed that I was too strong for Benedict. My personality of fiery forests and stormy seas was too much for his lump of earth, or desert of sand. In actuality, that wasn't her exact wording, but no doubt she used some metaphor about nature and mud. Lauren was right on some level. To pretend Benedict lacks depth is false, but he never breaks his facade of calm, aloof, vaguely autistic serenity, even when he may be seething inside. He lets his anger escape in a variety of passive aggressive ways whose motivations are denied even by Benedict himself. Even with my fire I could not permeate the wall of earth, and therefore never felt understood. I guess I just singed it. And that unmovable fortress of earth he built around him also permeated stability, permanence, and security. But I could always make him laugh, which I loved. He understood my dark humor even if he couldn't really contribute to it.